Tuesday 26 June 2012

Congratulations André

We had a phone call to say that our godson, André Lombard had just passed his final uni. exams at Leicester University (BA hons. International Relations) with a highly respectable 2-1. We are so proud of him!
So I had to get cracking on a celebration bottle of sparklies for him.
Now I've been doing little mannie bottles as gifts for years - copied from somewhere - I think a fabric wine bottle cover. This one had to be a bit grander.

You need two sheets of A4 paper, one black, medium weight; one white bond.
1) Black paper landscape: cut a slit in the centre about 7cm long. Score two diagonals and fold back lapels.
2) White paper: Cut down to 21cm square. Draw a frilly dress shirt and draw buttons or glue little black beads or sequins on, using Uhu or similar. Mine get quite fancy when I have loads of time. Fold a couple of pleats and stick it with sticky tape.

3) Add a bow tie. This should have been black but I only had red ribbon - anyway it's more festive.
4) Stick the paper together and wrap around the bottle with wider ribbon to make a cummerbund and tie tightly at the back of the bottle.

5. Now for the special extra bit: I cut a fabric semi circle 54cm in diameter, (by eye) and did a few stitches at the top in the middle with double embroidery thread to tie onto the neck of the bottle. Then I ironed it and tied it around.

6. Hey-ho! Then, double quick, some lippy and a change of clothes and off to London to celebrate with a delicious roast cooked by André's  mother. It took me about 25 minutes to do the bottle, but this doesn't count putting the iron away, tidying up, picking up the split sequins etc.
Which will simply have to happen tomorrow.
Well done André.

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