Friday 1 June 2012

Funky Union Jacks

Celebrating the Queen's Jubilee:
Our village fair is on Monday 4th June and I'm going to be doing a Group Painting in aid of Dreamflight. www.dreamflight.org.  
Dreamflight sends seriously ill children on a holiday of a lifetime. One of my helpers (aged 14) went to Disneyland with Dreamflight - on a plane with other children, doctors, nursing  staff and the full medical kit for emergencies. She would never have been able to fly anywhere otherwise.

I have borrowed a gazebo, have some bunting (of course) a large easel and two little easels. I also have my team of 4 girls aged 12-15. Of course they'll have breaks to watch the Scottish dancing, visit the craft stalls and listen to the fabulous bands.
Okay let's get on with how the planning works:
The idea is to find a painting - could be your own or someone like Picasso's, scan it onto A4, cut it into numbered squares and then give each person a much bigger blank numbered square and they have to paint the small square as exactly as they can and stick it opnto a large "canvas". 

During the day the painting evolves and hey ho!, big surprise when
a) Everyone sees what they painted and 
b) when everyone discovers what brilliant artists they really are!

We are going to do some kid paintings 3-5 years, on the side, but I decided not to make their outcome a surprise as I feel their needs are more immediate. So they will see the picture of what they will be achieving.
The little boys will do an Army Union jack and the little girls will do a Lola Union Jack. 
The adults & older kid's big painting is much more exciting!  It will be revealed after the event.

PS Having noticed for the first time how complex the Union Jack actually is, I found a website that explains exactly how to draw it http://www.jdawiseman.com/papers/union-jack/union-jack.html -  I think my mathematical friends will love it. Now that you know you'll be seeing incorrect flags all over the place and it'll be like a tune you can't get out of your head. (Hope jda doesn't see my Lola flag.)

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