Adventure in SPACE - Floating boxes
Perspective for nine-year olds and up (and up). Its a "Holiday Special"
These perspective projects are based on what I was doing with my 9 year old grandson, Nicky.
So its geared towards that age but anyone who has never seen it explained like this may enjoy it.
Your adventure in SPACE has just begun. There are another 4-5 postings on perspective.
You are welcome to download this for your own use, but please observe copyright.
If you would like to purchase the booklet please e-mail me.
Lin, I wonder if you would adopt me as a member of your family. This is wonder-filled - to a person like me who has always wondered about perspective . Thank you - and your grandson... now to do and do some practice!!!
Bev - as a member of the family, not only do you grow up with lessons in perspective, but you get unlimited access to a treasure-trove studio AND the amazing food!