Thursday 1 November 2012

Behold how good...screened and cut letters

My blog will soon be moving to a different address - www.limetreesstudio.com - I'll keep you posted.

Here is the screened piece I started on Friday.

I'm not too sure if I carried off the informal spacing, but I think I'm happy with it. I must say, it was really fun to just draw and cut letters without agonising.
The photo was taken in the winter dappled sunshine to show the embossing. The B has a menorah behind it and there is a design at the bottom. I did four prints on different papers and I like this one where you can see the roughness of the paper through the screening (ampersand, T, g).

I was asked to do this 80th birthday card for a gentleman at Chilton church who is a retired vicar. He has a lovely sense of humour and warmth and is a very intelligent scholar. His parents were missionaries in Japan and as a child of 10, he was incarcerated in a prisoner of war camp; separated from his parents. He was there at the same time as Eric Liddle the Olympic runner from Chariots of Fire. Eric died in the camp. Bruce was reunited with his mother and went home to England. Anyway, I wanted to give him something special. It's A3, so I have made a grey Fabriano cover glued onto a piece of A3 mount board at the top, (like the cover of a writing pad) then I lightly stuck this print into the inside.

I do think that if one makes special cards they should be presented so that they won't get ruined and also so that they can be framed if the recipient wishes to do so. Of course I don't mind what he does with it...!

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